
Everything you need to know about studying medicine.

Contributions to medical studies

Tiermedizin studieren

Das Studium der Tiermedizin umfasst eine intensive Ausbildung in Theorie und Praxis. Angehende Tierärzte lernen, verschiedene Tierarten zu behandeln und setzen sich intensiv mit der Anatomie und dem Stoffwechsel von...

Study dentistry

The degree programme in dentistry prepares future dentists to take care of oral health. It combines the basics of medicine with specialised subjects in dentistry for the prevention and treatment...

Study pharmacy

In the Pharmacy degree programme, students acquire the knowledge required for the development, production and analysis of medicinal products within the standard study period of 8 semesters. After passing the state examination, you can...

Study medicine

Studying human medicine comes with a lot of responsibility. It enables you to examine people as a doctor, make a diagnosis and help with illnesses. Studying medicine includes...

Scientific writing - our tips and tricks

Whether it's a term paper, thesis, dissertation or doctoral thesis - there's no getting round writing academic texts during your studies. Difficulties can arise with the approach, the structure of the work, the literature research, the...

Study medicine without A-levels

The idea of studying medicine is dismissed by many prospective students because the prevailing belief is that you have no chance of getting a place at university without a 1.0 A-level anyway. But this is...

BAföG abroad

Auslands-BAföG regulates financial support for students. This means that not only students in Germany have the opportunity, regardless of their parents' financial means, to fulfil their study and career goals in...

Decision-making medicine

Medicine has long been one of the most popular degree programmes and is enjoying steadily growing interest among prospective students. TV series and social media, among other things, contribute to the attractive image of the medical profession...

Semester break in medical studies

As you probably all know, the minimum period of study for a medical degree is six years, although there are also some universities where you can get your doctorate in five years because they have the...

How important is microbiology?

If you were to ask a certain lecturer at our university this question, she would almost certainly say that it is the most important subject. Because without a fundamental knowledge of microbiology...

Medical studies in times of Corona

"It's getting serious" - with these words, German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the population at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Just like many other companies, businesses and individuals,...