
Medical studies in Hungary

Hungarian universities attract many foreign prospective students every year with NC-free medical studies in German. From international student cities to a study programme adapted to the German curriculum - studying medicine in Hungary has a lot to offer. We explain everything important and exciting additional information about studying in Hungary here.

Are you interested in studying medicine in Hungary?
We will be happy to advise you free of charge about the possibility of studying medicine in Hungary.

Universities where you can study medicine in Hungary:

Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary - Medical studies abroad


All about the Semmelweis University in Budapest.

Medical Faculty in Pecs, Hungary - Study Medicine Abroad


All about the Medical University of Pécs.

Medical University of Szeged Hungary


All about the Medical University in Szeged.

In this article we will give you a comprehensive overview of studying medicine in Hungary. We will provide you with information about the different universities that offer medical degree programmes in English and German. We will also show you how futuredoctor can support you on your way to studying medicine in Hungary. Immerse yourself in the exciting world of medical studies in Hungary and discover what opportunities await you there!

Studying medicine in Hungary: Advantages

Hungary is a very popular destination for prospective medical students from all over the world and offers students many advantages. Here are some of the most important reasons why students choose to study medicine in Hungary:

Numerus Clausus (NC)-free study of human medicine in German

Anyone who is ready to go abroad for the dream of studying medicine has a big step ahead of them. Moving to a new country and getting used to a completely different environment and culture can be a big challenge. Hungarian universities are accommodating to future students and offer medical studies in German, which makes learning the complexities of medicine much easier. The large number of international and German-speaking students can also make arriving in another country much easier. In Hungary, you can not only study human medicine, but also Study dentistry without NC.

High quality medical education

Modern facilities, outstanding quality of teaching and academic excellence characterise the medical universities in Hungary. The degree programme is modern and practice-oriented. The small group classes create a familiar atmosphere and students have close contact with their teachers. Contact to their lecturers as well as to their fellow students.

Beautiful student towns and a multicultural environment

Hungarian student cities offer an exciting student life with many leisure opportunities and sights.

Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, is particularly popular with students. The Hungarian capital attracts countless tourists every year with its historic buildings and many small cafés and restaurants where you can get good food for little money. In the city that never sleeps, you can experience something at any time of the day or night.
The convenient train and bus connections are perfect for weekend excursions to other European cities such as Bratislava or Vienna.

You will find students from all over the world on university campuses in Hungary. This unique multicultural environment offers the opportunity for exchange and learning from each other.

Transfer to a university in Germany possible

If you are nevertheless drawn back to Germany as a student, studying in Hungary offers you a great opportunity: the structure of the medical degree programme at Hungarian universities is adapted to that of German universities. This means that students have the opportunity to transfer to a university in Germany after the pre-clinical phase (the second year of the medical degree programme) and continue their studies there - provided, of course, that they are offered a place to study in Germany. This simple transfer is not possible in other countries.

Recognition of medical studies in Germany and Austria

If you complete your medical studies in Hungary, you can easily apply for a licence to practise medicine in Germany or other EU countries. In accordance with the EU Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications, completed medical students from Hungary have the same rights to a medical professional licence as students at German universities.

Together for success - futuredoctor and studying medicine abroad

Would you like to Study medicine abroad and are looking for the most suitable university for you and don't really know where to start looking for a suitable country and a good university? futuredoctor will be happy to support you!

Besides the Student advisory service In addition to selecting the university and accompanying you to the desired on-site appointments, futuredoctor also offers support during the application process and preparation for possible aptitude tests, as well as orientation at the place of study - including the search for accommodation! Get your application quickly and easily free info pack!

Which universities are suitable for medical studies in Hungary?

There are three major universities in Hungary that would be suitable for your medical studies. Here you can find an overview of the individual universities:

University of Budapest: Semmelweis University

For your Medical studies in Budapest Semmelweis University, one of the oldest and most renowned medical universities in Hungary, is your first choice. You can study medicine here in both English and German. Lessons are held in small groups and there is direct contact with the professors. Teaching focuses on independent critical thinking and the acquisition of practical skills. After the Physikum, students have the opportunity to transfer from Semmelweis University to the Asklepios Campus Hamburg. Prospective students can choose between a place on a degree programme in human medicine or a degree programme in dentistry. In our ranking of the best universities for medicine abroad 1st place.

Medical University of Pécs

The University of Pécs is one of the 500 best universities in the world and is particularly well known as a research university. Students with an interest in research have the opportunity to participate in exciting projects while studying medicine in Hungary. The degree programme is also highly customisable. With over 400 elective courses, it can be adapted to your personal interests. Study Medicine in Pecs means that you can study in Hungarian, English or even German (human medicine or dentistry)

University of Szeged

You would like to Study medicine in Szeged? German NC-free study is possible in the degree programmes at the University of Szeged. The university advertises itself with its excellent academic education, which scores well in numerous world rankings. The small group classes create a familiar atmosphere and students have close contact with their lecturers. The University of Szeged, which considers itself to be one of the "greenest" universities in the world, attaches great importance to the use of sustainable energy sources and waste avoidance.

Students come from over 126 countries around the world and take advantage of numerous offers, such as the International Cultural Evening, picnics and jam sessions, to make contacts. The medical faculty is very centrally located and the cycle paths are very well developed in the student city.

Requirements for studying medicine in Hungary

In contrast to some universities abroad, there is no fixed entry date for prospective students at a Hungarian university. NC (human medicine or dentistry).

Advantages for a successful application:

  • Good Abitur results (no fixed NC, but a grade point average of better than 2.5 is desirable)
  • Completed professional medical training (e.g. nursing assistant, paramedic)
  • Internships in the health sector
  • Voluntary social year in the health sector

No entrance test is currently required for German-language degree programmes at Hungarian universities. For English-language degree programmes, there are individual admission procedures consisting of a science test and an interview.

As it is possible to study in German, no further language skills are required.

The only restriction: applicants to the University of Szeged must be or become of age during the year of their application.

Studying medicine in Hungary: content and structure

Currently, studies in Hungary start once a year in the winter semester, usually at the beginning of September.

If the basic knowledge of biology and chemistry still needs to be refreshed, we at futuredoctor offer appropriate preparatory courses before you start your studies.

How long does it take to study medicine in Hungary? The duration of the medical degree programme is 6 years, as in Germany and Austria, and the curriculum is structured very similarly:

The first two years of the programme (1st to 4th semester) include the teaching of natural science subjects such as medicinal chemistry, biology for medical doctors, biophysics, molecular and cell biology, anatomy, histology and physiology.

In the third year (5th and 6th semesters), students are taught pathology, pathophysiology and microbiology. The teaching of internal medicine also begins. This is then intensified from the 7th semester onwards. In addition, the subjects Surgerytraumatology, orthopaedics, paediatrics and obstetrics and other specialisations. Behavioural science-oriented subjects (e.g. ethics, medical psychology) are also taught.  

The 6th year of the degree programme is the practical year, during which you can gain clinical experience on different wards in the hospital.

Costs and financing of medical studies in Hungary

To give you your Financing medical studies abroad To be able to offer a university education, it is necessary to carefully consider the costs involved. Universities in Hungary charge high tuition fees for teaching. At Semmelweis University in Budapest, students pay 8,300 euros per semester. The University of Szeged charges 7,600 euros per semester. The costs of studying medicine abroad are significantly higher here than in other European countries.

But the cost of living is all the more affordable! You should budget about 700 to 1,000 euros per month, including rent. This is around 300 to 500 euros, depending on the location and living situation. Food, both in restaurants and supermarkets, is much cheaper than in Germany and you can also save quite a bit of money on clothes - especially if you use the numerous good second-hand shops.

Country and People: 3 Facts You Didn't Know About Hungary

  • Hungary is home to the largest lake in Central Europe: Lake Balaton (or Plattensee) attracts visitors with its kilometre-long beaches and numerous leisure activities such as horseback riding, sailing, fishing or beach volleyball.

  • More than just goulash! Even though Hungarian cuisine is best known for its goulash, it has much more to offer! Hearty dishes include, for example, töltött káposzta (cabbage roll), lecsó (vegetable ragout) or lángos (fried dough with cheese). A great place to take a culinary journey into the world of Hungarian delicacies is the Budapest Market Hall.
    In addition to Hungarian food, you will also find numerous international restaurants with dishes from all over the world.

  • Free public transport for all EU citizens! If you like to travel by tram and bus, you can use them free of charge and only need a valid photo ID. A great option - not only for checking out the numerous sights in the cities.

What should I bear in mind when applying to study medicine in Hungary?

As places to study medicine are also in great demand in Hungary itself, it is important to submit a comprehensive and very good application. At Semmelweis University in Budapest, for example, around 10 applicants apply for one place.

Good news for all those who don't have an Abitur: There are also opportunities in other European countries to obtain a Medical studies with a specialist baccalaureate to make!

Are you ready to realise your dream of studying medicine in Hungary? Contact us today and start your journey with futuredoctor. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey and working with you to realise your dream of a career in medicine.

Hungary is not the right country for your medical studies, is it? Then take a look at the following neighbouring countries of Hungary: Medical studies Slovakia, Medical studies Croatia, Medical studies Romania, Medical studies Austria, Medical studies Czech Republic.

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Frequently asked questions

FAQs about studying medicine in Hungary

Medical studies in Hungary last 6 years in human medicine and 5 years in dentistry and are divided into 12 and 10 semesters respectively.

All Universities where you can apply via futuredoctor are available within the Recognised throughout the EU. Accordingly, you can work as a doctor in Germany, Austria or Switzerland after graduating in Hungary.

Studying medicine is generally a demanding and intense experience, no matter where it is undertaken. Medical studies in Hungary are comparable to those in other European countries in terms of learning effort and examination standards. Whether it is easier or harder often depends on the student's personal adaptability, language skills and study habits.

Hungary is known for its high-quality medical education. Universities like the Semmelweis University in Budapest and the University of Szeged have an excellent reputation in the medical community. Many graduates successfully practice medicine in different parts of the world. 

Yes, there are opportunities to study medicine in German in Hungary. Some Hungarian universities, such as the Semmelweis University and the University of Pécs, offer medical degree programmes in German. This can be an attractive option for students from German-speaking countries.

futuredoctor works closely with renowned medical universities in Hungary, including the Semmelweis University Budapest and the Medical University of Pécs. These universities offer English-language degree programmes in medicine and are known for their high-quality education.

futuredoctor offers comprehensive support throughout the entire process - from application and preparation to relocation, start of studies and beyond. Here you will find an overview of our entire range.

The exact size of the learning groups may vary depending on the university and the course. In general, however, Hungarian medical universities emphasise small learning groups to allow for individual attention and an interactive learning environment.

There are tuition fees at Hungarian universities, which must be paid annually or per semester. The fees are currently between €7,500 / semester and €8,700 / semester. You can find more information about the tuition fees on the respective university page here: Budapest and Pecs.

An overview of the costs involved in studying abroad (living costs, books, leisure, accommodation, etc.) as well as an overview of the tuition fees of all our universities. you can find here.

The cost of living in Hungary is moderate compared to many other European countries. However, the exact cost of living can vary depending on the location. Overall, the cost of accommodation, food and leisure activities in Hungary is affordable.

To apply to study medicine in Hungary, simply fill out our online application form. We will then inform you about all further steps of your application and start the application process at the university of your choice. Click here to place your order.

futuredoctor is at your side. Our team is here to help you solve problems, whether they are academic or related to your life abroad. We offer support in overcoming challenges, from finding accommodation to professional issues and any other difficulties during your medical studies abroad.


Studying medicine in Hungary offers aspiring doctors a first-class medical education, international recognition and a diverse cultural experience. The renowned medical universities in Hungary offer a first-class education in an inspiring environment. Studying medicine in Hungary opens doors to a successful and fulfilling career in healthcare, no matter where in the world you choose to settle.

Starting your medical studies in Hungary is an exciting step on the way to your career as a doctor. At futuredoctor, we are here to help you navigate this journey with confidence and clarity. Whether you need support with your application, help preparing for the move or advice on starting university, we are here to help. With us by your side, you can enjoy your medical studies in Hungary to the fullest and be sure that you are on the best path to success.

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