Decision-making medicine

MUDr. Andreas Zehetner

MUDr. Andreas Zehetner

CO-Founder of futuredoctor

Reading time: 3 Minuten
Last updated: 20 March 2024
Decision-making medicine

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Medicine has long been one of the most popular degree programmes and is enjoying steadily growing interest among prospective students. TV series and social media, among other things, contribute to the attractive image of the medical profession and attract many young people. However, these portrayals alone are not enough to find out what studying and the profession are actually like. Here are a few options that can give you an insight and make it easier for you to make a career decision.


Probably the easiest option to gain authentic insights into a professional field is an internship. This can also be done while still at school and in smaller and larger medical facilities (surgeries, clinics, emergency services, etc.). You can simply enquire about the possibility of an internship in person, by email or by telephone and submit an application if required. As internships should ideally last at least one week so that you can get a feel for everyday life, it makes sense to do them during the school holidays or to complete any school internships as part of lessons in the medical field.

By the way: How much you learn during an internship always depends largely on your own commitment. So the more you ask questions and lend a hand, the more you can do independently in the end. Show initiative and speak directly to colleagues about things you want to see or learn - this doesn't always work out or isn't always possible, but it increases your chances immensely!

Medical services

Another way to get a taste of medicine and even treat patients yourself is through paramedic services. As part of the school first-aid service or via rescue services, courses lasting several days or even weeks can be taken to prepare for the treatment of minor injuries and the procedure in various emergency situations. Afterwards, services can be provided at events such as concerts or sports competitions, which, in addition to potentially interesting assignments, also offers free entry to the respective events as an additional small incentive.

Field reports

Experience reports from (former) medical students can also provide authentic insights into studying. If you don't know anyone personally, you can easily find them on the internet, for example in forums and social media groups. They can not only provide a realistic description of the degree programme, but also help with decision-making questions such as choosing a university city, the structure of the degree programme (standard or model degree programme) or even the country of study. On our website and on our YouTube channel you will find detailed experience reports in the form of videos about studying abroad in Europe.

Student orientation week

With the Student Orientation Week, the University of Münster offers young people interested in medicine a very special experience. A wide variety of courses and seminars on studying medicine, the application process and even individual subjects are organised over the course of a week. The event takes place once in spring and once in autumn and is aimed specifically at secondary school students. Current information can be found via the following link: