Lara Wagenecker

Lara Wagenecker

Author at futuredoctor

Lara is a passionate writer at futuredoctor who specialises in articles about studying medicine abroad. Her in-depth articles provide valuable insight and practical advice for aspiring doctors interested in training outside their home country. With her expertise and experience, Lara is a reliable source of information and inspiration for our readers.

All articles by Lara Wagenecker

Scientific writing - our tips and tricks

Whether it's a term paper, thesis, dissertation or doctoral thesis - there's no getting round writing academic texts during your studies. Difficulties can arise with the approach, the structure of the work, the literature research, the...

Semester break in medical studies

As you probably all know, the minimum period of study for a medical degree is six years, although there are also some universities where you can get your doctorate in five years because they have the...

How important is microbiology?

If you were to ask a certain lecturer at our university this question, she would almost certainly say that it is the most important subject. Because without a fundamental knowledge of microbiology...

The income as a doctor

The medical profession offers several areas that appeal to those interested in medicine. For some, it's saving lives and understanding the human body, for others it's the...

How long does the training to become a junior doctor take?

This blog post was written by our medical student in Bratislava, Isabella Raber, who has passed her state exams and finally completed her medical studies in human medicine - this is what all medical students dream of. In the white...

The first physiology practical course

This blog post was written by our medical student in Bratislava, Isabella Raber. One of the most popular subjects among pre-medical students is physiology. Nowadays, we believe that we know the basic processes...

The TMS: structure and preparation

This blog post was written by our medical student in Bratislava, Isabella Raber, who has passed her Abitur, but the average grade is not good enough to be accepted directly to a medical university in Germany.


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