Studying medicine in the Czech Republic
If you want to realise your dream of studying medicine, it might be worth taking a look at other European countries - and at Tscghechia. At modern universities with an excellent education system, you can start your medical training here without an NC. Find out what else speaks in favour of studying medicine in the Czech Republic here.
Are you interested in studying medicine in the Czech Republic?
We would be happy to advise you free of charge about your options for studying medicine in the Czech Republic.
Have you ever thought about studying abroad? How about a country that is not only known for its outstanding medical education, but also for its impressive culture and quality of life? The Czech Republic, a European jewel, could be just the right place for your medical studies. With futuredoctor, you have a trustworthy partner at your side to support you on this exciting journey.
Advantages of studying medicine in the Czech Republic
You've finished your A-levels and would now like to start your long-awaited medical studies. But perhaps you've now realised that it's not that easy to find a place to study medicine in Germany. Medical study place to get. An above-average school leaving certificate or an outstanding TMS - Test for medical degree programmes are a major hurdle for many future medical students. One solution could be to study medicine in the Czech Republic, for example.
You can find the advantages of choosing to study medicine in the Czech Republic here:
Numerus Clausus (NC)-free study programme and study programme with Fachabitur
If you don't want to give up your dream of a career in medicine even without a 1.0 A-level, you can consider starting your medical studies in the Czech Republic - because there is no NC required. The Abitur certificate is sufficient to start studying medicine!
Good news for all those who don't have A-levels: There are also opportunities in other European countries to Studying medicine with a specialised baccalaureate to make. The Czech Republic is one of them!
Study in English
Although the national language in the Czech Republic is Czech, the degree programmes with lectures and seminars are held in English at medical universities. Your knowledge of English from school will be sufficient to make your medical studies in the Czech Republic a complete success.
Medical studies in the Czech Republic: simple recognition in Germany
If you have completed your studies in the Czech Republic, you have exactly the same opportunities to practise medicine in Germany or other EU countries as German medical students. Even during your studies, you can do clinical traineeships or parts of your practical year in German hospitals without any problems.
Close to home despite studying medicine abroad
The Czech Republic is a neighbouring country of Germany and the capital Prague is only a 2-3 hour drive away from some East German cities. So if you don't want to be so far away from your family, you could find a solution by studying in the Czech Republic. Czech Republic is out of the question? Then take a look at neighbouring Poland: Medical studies Poland.

Study medicine abroad with futuredoctor
Do you dream of studying medicine, but the chances of getting a place in your home country are slim? We can help you find a suitable study place abroad.
Advantages at a glance:
- EU-wide recognised qualifications
- Study in English or German
- > 95% Success rate
- > 1,000 study places allocated
From the selection of universities and support in the application process to orientation and finding accommodation - we are at your side.
Studying medicine in the Czech Republic: At which universities?
There are a large number of medical universities in the Czech Republic where you can study medicine in human medicine and dentistry in English. To help you find the perfect university for your study place, here is some interesting information about the universities and their cities:
Charles University Prague
Medical studies PragueCharles University in Prague was founded in 1348, making it the oldest university in Central Europe. As the largest medical educational institution in the Czech Republic, it has five medical faculties. Three of these faculties are located in Prague itself, the other two in Pilsen and Königgrätz (Hradec Králové). Seven university hospitals are affiliated with these faculties.
The First Faculty Of Medicine Charles University is one of the most renowned faculties for studying medicine in the Czech Republic and is also very popular throughout Europe. Every year, it offers over 150 new places to study human medicine in the winter semester. It is also possible to study dentistry here as a degree programme. With a strong focus on research, Charles University has numerous international scientific co-operations. Thanks to a cooperation with the Chemnitz Clinical Centre, you have the opportunity to complete your practical training in the clinic during the 5th semester.
The 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague offers 90 study places in human medicine in English to students from all over the world every year. Practical training for students takes place at the associated Motol University Hospital.
What the 3rd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague is characterised by its modern and integrative educational concept. Courses such as high altitude medicine, psychotherapy or endoscopy, which are not a regular part of the degree programme, are also offered here. As the university campus is more manageable, you can socialise quickly in the informal environment.
Medical studies Pilsen: the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen (4th faculty) you can study dentistry in English or Study human medicine. The city of Pilsen, which is primarily known for its beer, is around 95 kilometres from Prague. This has the advantage that rents and living costs are somewhat cheaper. However, thanks to the university's social programmes and the many opportunities to go out in the city, you can also enjoy student life there. In addition, Charles University in Pilsen has had a new state-of-the-art campus since September 2022.
Every year in the winter semester, the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague organises the Hradec Králové (5th faculty) the medical degree programme is offered in English. In addition to ultra-modern research centres, the university is distinguished by its cooperation with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. This is regarded as the best clinic in the world. You have the opportunity to complete a 3-month summer internship there and gain an insight into the US healthcare system.
Masaryk University Brno
With around 35,000 students, Masaryk University (MUNI) in Brno is the second largest university in the Czech Republic. The university offers degree programmes in human medicine and dentistry in English. Its beautiful campus and modern lecture rooms and laboratories, as well as the university's own simulation centre, make Masaryk University a great place to study. Medical studies in Brno a special experience. Cooperation with five different teaching hospitals enables students to complete the practical training for their degree programme in various specialist departments.
University of Ostrava (University of Ostrava)
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ostrava is the youngest medical faculty in the Czech Republic and is characterised by its state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities. Practical training is a particular focus here, which is why students work in small groups from the beginning of their studies. Contact us with patients.
Palacky University Olomouc
Medical studies OlomoucAt the Palacky University in Olomouc, 65 international students currently have the opportunity to begin their medical studies in human medicine every year in the winter semester. The language of instruction is English and the programme meets the requirements of the Bologna Process. This means that your degree would be recognised not only within the EU, but also in the USA and many other countries.
Olomouc is located in the east of the Czech Republic. Surrounded by beautiful countryside, this small student city is home to many international students, numerous leisure activities and flats at lower prices - the cost of living is significantly lower here than in the west of the country.
What requirements do you need to study medicine in the Czech Republic?
If you are about to complete your Abitur or have already done so, you already have all the information that universities in the Czech Republic require from their future students for their application. If you do not have a 1.0 NC as an applicant, this is not a problem at all, as universities in the Czech Republic are characterised by the fact that they do not pay attention to A-level grades and you can still study abroad. A language certificate in English is also not required. The only thing required for admission to study medicine in the Czech Republic is your result in the entrance exam in the university application process. But don't worry, at futuredoctor we will prepare you for the exams in detail and with your goals in mind!
Content and structure of the medical degree programme in the Czech Republic
How long does it take to study medicine in the Czech Republic? Studying medicine in the Czech Republic is similar to studying medicine in Germany. The duration of the medical degree programme is also 6 years for students.
In the first two years of the degree programmes, students are taught knowledge in the form of lectures in pre-clinical subjects such as anatomy, medical terminology, physiology and biochemistry. To consolidate this knowledge, there are also many practical exercises and seminars. Some universities also offer sports lessons and Czech language courses.
From the fifth semester onwards, the curriculum of the degree programmes is dominated by clinical subject areas such as Surgeryinternal medicine, psychiatry, paediatrics or Gynaecology. The practical training of students takes place in the hospitals belonging to the faculties. Here you also have the opportunity to complete your clinical traineeships at German hospitals or hospitals in other European countries through numerous collaborations or exchange programmes.
After 6 years, you will receive the title "Doctor Of Medicine", which allows you to work throughout Europe, and in some universities even in the USA or other countries around the world.
Tuition fees and financing medical studies in the Czech Republic
To give you your Financing medical studies abroad To be able to choose a university abroad, you need to think carefully about the costs involved. The tuition fees for study places abroad at individual universities in the Czech Republic are approximately between €10,000 and €15,000 per year, depending on the university.
For example, the 1st Faculty of Medicine at Charles University charges its medical students 6,700 euros per semester in tuition fees. For study places at Masaryk University, it is 7,810 euros per semester, at the Charles University in Pilsen to 7,400 euros per semester and for the Palacky University Olomouc the costs amount to 6,250 euros per semester in tuition fees.
Especially in Prague and in the west of the Czech Republic, the cost of living is comparable to Germany, while it is somewhat lower in the east. This makes studying medicine in the Czech Republic particularly attractive and living there affordable.
The cost of studying abroad can initially seem daunting for students, but there are many options, such as a Scholarshipto finance your tuition fees for your medical studies in the Czech Republic.
4 exciting facts for students in the Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic there is the Most castles in Europe. You will find over 2000 castles in the beautiful landscape. You can also visit many of them.
Very peaceful! The Czech Republic is the 12th most peaceful country in the world on the Global Peace Index 2023.
The people of the Czech Republic have largest beer consumption! Even though brewing has a very long tradition in Germany, most beer is consumed in the Czech Republic every year with a per capita consumption of 143 litres. The Germans follow in second place with an annual beer consumption of 106 litres per inhabitant.
Prague is also called "City of Spires" (city of spires). With over 500 towers, the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic has earned its name.
What should I bear in mind when applying to study medicine in the Czech Republic (admission procedure)?
Study programmes in the Czech Republic are very popular and are only offered to prospective students once a year in the winter semester, so you should consider your application and the application process in good time. It is important here to Application deadlines of the universities. The admission procedures vary slightly, but usually consist of two phases: a selection test with a multiple choice test and a letter of motivation. We will help you to pass the entrance test with flying colours!
Are you ready to realise your dream of studying medicine in the Czech Republic? Contact us today and start your journey with futuredoctor. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey and working with you to realise your dream of a career in medicine.
Isn't the Czech Republic the right country for your medical studies? Then take a look at the following neighbouring countries of the Czech Republic: Medical studies Slovakia, Medical studies Austria, Medical studies Poland.
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Frequently asked questions
FAQs about studying medicine in the Czech Republic
How long does it take to study medicine in the Czech Republic?
The medical degree programme in the Czech Republic lasts 6 years for human medicine and 5 years for dentistry and is divided into 12 and 10 semesters respectively.
What degree will I receive after completing my medical studies in the Czech Republic?
After successfully completing your medical studies, you will receive the title "Doctor of General Medicine" (MUDr.) in human medicine and the title "MDDr" in dentistry. These are so-called professional doctorates.
Will my medical degree from the Czech Republic be recognised in Germany or Austria?
All Universities where you can apply via futuredoctor are available within the recognised throughout the EU. This means that you can work as a doctor in Germany, Austria or Switzerland after completing your studies abroad.
At which universities can I study medicine with futuredoctor in the Czech Republic?
With futuredoctor you can study at the following universities in the Czech Republic Study medicine:
Charles University Pilsen and Palacky University of Olomouc.
How can futuredoctor help me with my medical studies in the Czech Republic?
futuredoctor offers comprehensive support throughout the entire process - from application and preparation to relocation, commencement of studies and beyond. Here you will find an overview of our entire range.
How large are the study groups at Czech medical universities?
The students usually form groups of 8-15 people in which they complete seminars or internships.
How much does it cost to study medicine in the Czech Republic?
There are tuition fees at Czech universities, which must be paid annually or per semester. The fees currently range from €6,250 per semester to around €7,900 per semester. You can find more information about the tuition fees on the respective university page here: Charles University Pilsen and Palacky University of Olomouc.
An overview of the costs involved in studying abroad (living costs, books, leisure time, accommodation, etc.) as well as an overview of the tuition fees at all our universities you can find here.
What is the cost of living in the Czech Republic?
The cost of living in the Czech Republic is relatively low compared to other European countries, which makes studying medicine in the Czech Republic an attractive option for international students.
How do I apply to study medicine in the Czech Republic?
To apply to study medicine in the Czech Republic, simply complete our online application form. We will then inform you about all further steps of your application and start the application process at your chosen universities. Click here for the application.
What happens if I encounter problems during my medical studies in the Czech Republic?
futuredoctor is at your side. Our team is here to help you solve problems, whether they are academic or related to your life abroad. We offer support in overcoming challenges, from finding accommodation to professional issues and any other difficulties during your medical studies abroad.
Studying medicine in the Czech Republic not only offers a first-class education, but also the opportunity to discover a new culture and way of life. With futuredoctor by your side, you are well equipped to embark on this exciting path and realise your dream of a career in medicine. The Czech Republic welcomes you - start your medical studies and immerse yourself in a new and fascinating world of opportunities to study medicine in the Czech Republic.
Studying medicine abroad