Studying medicine with a specialised baccalaureate: Your options in Germany and abroad

Many school graduatesinside have the desire to become a doctor. In Germany, medical studies after upper secondary school primarily require good grades and, if applicable, medical tests such as the TMS ahead. But what does it look like if you have a vocational baccalaureate in your pocket? The German Selection procedure presents Fachabitur studentinside additional hurdles. With an extended upper secondary school to obtain the general higher education entrance qualification or an additional vocational qualification in the medical field, a Medical studies with a specialist baccalaureate possible.

Are you interested in studying medicine with a specialist baccalaureate?

We would be happy to advise you free of charge about your options in the Study medicine abroad.

As an alternative to studying medicine in Germany, an increasing number of future medical students have been attracted to the country in recent years.inside to study medicine abroad with a specialised baccalaureate. You can find out more about this in the following article.

Study medicine with a specialist baccalaureate - Study medicine abroad

Study Medicine Abroad with a Fachabi: How and Where?

Unlike in Germany, some countries in other European countries allow students to study medicine directly with a specialised baccalaureate. Particularly noteworthy here are Latvia and the Slovakia. At futuredoctor, we specialise in placing prospective students from German-speaking countries with renowned universities in these countries.

Why study medicine abroad in the EU with a specialist baccalaureate?

The universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Latvia offer an excellent medical education. Its graduates are valued internationally and the degree is easily recognised in Germany. Instead of a NC an entrance test is carried out in Slovakia and an individual selection procedure in Latvia. We provide you with comprehensive support - from the application to potential preparation.

Moreover, studying English not only offers language improvement and intercultural contacts, but also a solid foundation for your medical career. Whether for international congresses, scientific publications or further training: English skills are indispensable in the medical sector.

Costs and financing of studying abroad

Studying medicine abroad can be more expensive than in Germany. For an overview of current tuition fees, we recommend our article here. But there is also good news: The cost of living is often lower and there are many Opportunities to finance your studies. You can find out more here.

Personal development abroad

In addition to academic training, studying abroad offers the unique opportunity to intensively experience a new culture, language and people. It opens up perspectives for personal and professional development.

Do you need help with your application to study medicine with a specialist baccalaureate?

The team is ready to accompany you on your journey. Our aim is to provide you with the best possible support, both during the application process and beyond. Let's realise your dream together - arrange a free, no-obligation interview now!

Frequently asked questions

FAQs on studying medicine with a specialist baccalaureate

No, in Germany you usually need the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or, in some cases, a vocational qualification in addition to the specialised baccalaureate to study medicine. However, with a specialised baccalaureate, other paths are open to you, e.g. studying abroad.

There are several countries in Europe where it is possible to study medicine with a specialised baccalaureate. Latvia and Slovakia are particularly popular, but there are also other options. Check with us to find out which country is best for you.

European countries such as Latvia and Slovakia offer high-quality medical training. The degrees obtained there are recognised in Germany and internationally. In addition, the cost of living is often lower and you benefit from an international environment.

There are various ways to finance medical studies abroad. These include scholarships, educational loans and also job opportunities in the country of study. We have also compiled detailed information on this here.

It depends on the country and the university. In Slovakia, for example, there is a Admission test. We can help you with the preparation and inform you about all the necessary steps.

Yes, the medical degrees from the universities we recommend in Europe are recognised in Germany. You can easily work in Germany or other countries after your studies.


Studying medicine with a specialised baccalaureate may involve additional hurdles in Germany, but it also opens doors to international opportunities. Countries like Latvia and Slovakia offer specialist baccalaureate studentsing excellent degree programmes in medicine. This opportunity not only provides a high-quality education, but also the chance to study in an international environment, improve language skills and experience other cultures first-hand. In addition, the degrees are internationally recognised and prepare graduatesing for a successful career in medicine, both in Germany and around the world. For those willing to leave the traditional path and explore new horizons, such studies abroad offer a valuable and enriching experience.

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