Sigmund Freud Private University loses accreditation for Master's degree programme in Medicine

MUDr Amandeep Grewal

MUDr Amandeep Grewal

Doctor & Co-Founder of futuredoctor

Reading time: 4 Minuten
Last updated: 4 June 2024
Studied medicine at the Sigmund Freud University, medical studies in Austria.

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Until recently, it was still possible to study at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. To study medicine and to live the dream of becoming a doctor - but now the dream has come to an end.

The Sigmund Freud Private University loses admission to the Master's degree programme in Medicine!

The Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria revokes the accreditation for the Master's degree programme in Medicine - due to serious quality deficiencies. The main criterion: a corresponding expert report commissioned by the agency.
Many students are now in the dark - and the future? Uncertain. Although it is said that current students can still complete the Master's degree programme in Medicine, nobody expected the sudden withdrawal of admission. It is said that the deficiencies in the Master's degree programme in Medicine were assessed as "not [note: in time] remediable", which is why the revocation of accreditation was recommended.

The Sigmund Freud Private University was founded in 2005 with the intention of offering a teaching programme in psychotherapy science. The degree programme in medicine was then added in 2015. Students can study medicine at the university for tuition fees of EUR 12,500 per semester. Studying at the private university is not comparable to studying at most state universities. In contrast to a medical degree programme in human medicine, which generally lasts 12 semesters and concludes with a state examination, the medical degree programme at the Sigmund Freud Private University is structured as a Bachelor's and Master's degree programme. The latter has now had its accreditation withdrawn. This could not have happened at a public university.

Following the withdrawal of accreditation for the Master's degree programme, the Federal Representation of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) has issued the following statement Human medicine at the Sigmund Freud Private University also questioned the concept of private universities as such: "It is time to fundamentally rethink these types of universities, their systems and funding and move towards publicly funded research and teaching as a whole," said the ÖJ (APA on 23 November 2022). The ÖH is also calling for "solutions as quickly as possible" for the remaining students.

futuredoctor, a student placement agency based in Vienna, has set itself the task of placing prospective students from Germany and Austria at universities in other EU countries in order to enable them to study abroad. Studying medicine abroad to make this possible. The founders from Austria and Germany, themselves doctors and once medical students abroad, feel that their concept has been confirmed.
"We deliberately focus on universities with a long-standing tradition and high quality standards," says MUDr Andreas Zehetner, a native of Carinthia and co-founder of futuredoctor, "we are also convinced that there must be equality with regard to the allocation of study places at universities. The Sigmund Freud Private University allocates study place quotas to third parties, which does not correspond to our philosophy of equality," continues MUDr Amandeep Grewal, also co-founder of futuredoctor.

The founders of futuredoctor have been successfully placing prospective students at renowned medical faculties in Europe for years. Charles University in Pilsen, Semmelweis University in Budapest and Stradins University in Riga, among many other universities, are now loyal co-operation partners. In recent years, over 500 students have already been helped to obtain a place to study medicine. There is now also hope for students at Sigmund Freud Private University thanks to futuredoctor:
"We have spoken with our partner universities about the issue surrounding the withdrawal of accreditation for SFU's Master's programme and have developed solutions to help students continue their studies at other renowned universities," says MUDr. Amandeep Grewal.

"Students at Sigmund Freud Private University are very welcome to contact futuredoctor for a free consultation to discuss their options together," continues MUDr Grewal.

If you are interested, students of the Sigmund Freud Private University can contact for more information.

Own research, knowledge from the market
APA news from the Federal Representation of the Austrian Students' Union from 23 November 2022.